Science Behind the Explore Lincoln City Beachcombing Exploriance
Welcome! You are either on this page because you attended an Explore Lincoln City Beachcombing Explorience or you are curious about how the Oregon Coast Range formed and why are there agates on the Oregon Coast!
No matter how you found this page, welcome! Please enjoy our scientific references and remember that science evolves! Geology is a very young science and as we discover new ways to measure our physical realities we get a more accurate of how the earth (and other planets) work and their evolution.
Download the white paper: Geologic history of Siletzia, a large igneous province in the Oregon and Washington Coast Range: Correlation to the geomagnetic polarity time scale and implications for a long-lived Yellowstone hotspot here!
Below you will find a playlist of videos which provide the basis of the science presented at our Beachcombing Explorience. :)
Other Helpful Oregon Geology Links